How to Choose the Best Ecommerce Store Provider as a Beginning Ecommerce Entrepreneur

These days, many people are looking to get into the ecommerce business. This is because the market for ecommerce is soaring; it is estimated that ecommerce sales will grow to 16% of all retail sales by the end of 2020. As such, now is the best time to get into the ecommerce game, as things are only expected to go on an upward trajectory from there.

However, for many that might be easier said than done. For those who are just starting out in the ecommerce business and looking to launch their first ecommerce store, they will likely need an ecommerce platform provider to do that. There are many different options, ranging from Shopify, BigCommerce, and 3dcart. However, for those just starting out, Shopify is a good option. With that in mind, here’s what you need to look for in an ecommerce platform provider when trying to get into the world of ecommerce.


While sometimes the best things in life are free, that is certainly not the case when it comes to ecommerce platforms. When looking into the best ecommerce platforms, you need to consider the pricing structure, both in terms of the upfront cost per month and the charge per transaction. Everyone has different margins of what they’ll find acceptable here, and this can be determined by what products you are looking to sell.


From marketing automation software to shipping and email marketing tools, everyone has their favorite apps that they use for business. When determining what ecommerce platform to use, your best bet is to see what integrations they have available and make sure that is compatible with all the software you are intending on using. Otherwise, you might find that you’ll have to find clunky and awkward workarounds to get your ecommerce store running in the way you want it to.

Customer Service and Security

Of course, you want an ecommerce platform provider with impeccable security credentials and 24/7 customer service. Both of these are significant factors in case anything goes wrong or you need advisement on how to alter certain things on your website. In addition to this, you want to make sure that hackers are not able to get into your ecommerce site, particularly when it comes to payment information you are collecting on customers. If this happens, then this could spell the end of your venture into ecommerce and can even open you open to legal liability.

Ultimately, there are many different factors when choosing the right ecommerce platform provider for your needs. The above are just some of the things that you need to consider when getting into the world of ecommerce. In addition to this, you’ll also want to consider things like SEO friendliness and mobile responsiveness. However, while you should choose whatever ecommerce store makes the most sense for you, Shopify is often recommended for those just starting out in ecommerce. Once you start your first shop, however, you’ll have a greater understanding of what an ecommerce store needs to succeed and will be able to make more informed decisions accordingly.